Everlasting Half Dried flower wreaths


Each dried flower wreath is a one of a kind. Is made on orders based on these samples. Cm of diameter is approx. 15/20 cm made of willow. Plants are harvested in my garden or purchased through the Flower farmers of Ireland.

If you would like a particular colour or a style please send on an email to get your bespoke wreath.

Ribbons are made of linen or cotton, hand dyed by me with petals, berries, bark or leaves of plants I have in my garden. Each of them cannot be created ideantical so keep in mind that once you dispose of your wreath you can hold on to the ribbon by making it into something new (wrap a jam jar for future fresh flowers, create a beautiful head band for yourself… there is infinite possibilities).

Most of my material is compostable but check out for metal wires before you dump it ( it usually last over two years if kept away from direct sunlight and rain).

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